Wednesday, January 2, 2013

In-laws's day out

To cheer the children
that are my nephews and nieces
We drove to climb Genting Highlands (GH)
My Mr. H led the way with 3 cars behind...

So lovely went there with more than 10 ppl
The kids were the person
who can't wait to feel the enjoyment....

Kota keriangan...riang la sgt tuk budak2....hmmmpp... :)
I don't think I wanna treasure
the outdoor games....
That's not my interest anyway....
Mr. H had to follow my decision
for not letting me looking the stores around
by myself.....
Sori know me from start
I'm not so into the extreme games....

We start our journey at 8am..
Luckily the kids are soooo dgr cakap
suruh bangun pagi kannnn....
Tau nak g GH, tak perlu amik mase tuk kejut2 kan diorang....
Bagus2....wat selalu ya kiddo....
arrived there a lil bit late
due to a stop for waiting my SIL's fren to climb up hill with us
So, it tooks us about 1 hr and half...

Just arrived and clicks dulu....
weather???it's cold....

Ni la rombongan Mr. H from Putrajaya to the peak of GH
The traffic was very good... :)
We've been there with lotsa ppl around....
But around 11am
I dunno from where other ppl come.....
It's like packed already at the indoor area....
huhhhhh, cannot breath....
then I realize, it's weekend....
More than's a school holiday!!!!!
Serve u rite....

The SIL, nephews and nieces....

Kami je la tinggal berdua jalan2 kat cni...
yang lain ngah mjerit2 kat luo tuhhh...
tak kesiorr teman nak join ~_~ 
After so on, my in-laws were having fun...
we decided to go back at 5pm...
before it's too late ~jammed~ and dark....
Thats the story for my 1st weekend of school holiday....
It was damnnnnn cold......
Back then, i got flu and sick!!!!
Hahahahha.......padan muke I.....

They stayed inside as outside was raining...

Sian bdk2 ni da lapo ehhhhh.....
Jom turun, cari makan...
alih2 in-laws hilang track kami and sesat pny pasal kat Bangi jugak yang di tuju....


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