Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Bukit Tinggi Pahang

My escapade.....
These are last year pix
Taken on our 1st anniversary
Just went to Bukit Tinggi
Takde idea sbnrnyer nak pegi mane since
I tak ley plan g mane2 last year
I kan budak baru belajar,
Name pun student...

So, nk ponteng...
TAKKAN lah unless
I'm having something that
prevent me from doing it...
Sll nyer demam la...
tapi I dtg jugak kelas...
Rugi woooo tak dtg even 1 hari pun
U feel cam tertinggal kelas
sebulan tuh...NAYA!!!

So, it took us for one hour
from our hommie...
At the entrance,
u should pay RM 12 for an adult
For kiddo, i think it's 8...
Then u bley g The Colmar Tropicale,
Japanese Village and Tmn Botani
Here are some of our own art...hihihihi

Kitorg da plan properly for this year's
anniversary celebration
We plan nak dinner
smbil tgk sunset...
and haruslah kat BALI....
10 Dec is coming soon...
Yippie yeahhhhhh....

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