Thursday, February 23, 2012

She's a cool mom....

Dis news makes me so stunned of her ability to do this F1 replica...Built for her 4-yr old son a cardboard replica of Red Bull 2012 F1 car. She is super cool mom...Will other mothers build like this for their loved ones??? This Japanese woman spent her a month time to bulid dis racing car....Well, she is absolutely has talent and creative in designing that...waaahhhhhh, i think i want 1 and that is of course FERRARI...At the end of her conversation, she is encouraging ppl outside to build on thier own when she's being asked whether could she builds for others too....and she reminds too to remember, "all you need is some photos off the Internet, cardboard and an eye for building race cars"

Sources from :

Today's topic.........PHUKET

We were in luv...and still in luv....and InsyaAllah, dengan izin-Nya, it will blossom days to days....Actually, we selected Phuket as our destination for honeymoon and we went there after 5-month of our memorable moments...late but we did it real afterwards...

Sape yang suke budget travel, sila planning awal2 k...i'm sorta person who loves to plan any travelling some times a year early...hihihihihihi...macam2 yang kita ley prepare b4 travelling, there are some tips b4 we step on other country's land :

1. kumpul duit sebanyak yang bley....(nnti nak shopping or any emergencies, tak yah nak risau sgt...)
2. study about the place (sgt membantu bile kite kat sane)
3. point out any place of interest kat sane (dapat gunekan masa dengan  lebih teratur)
4. obey with the times while we were there (d smping jimatkan masa, ape2 yang kite planning akan bjalan dengan baik)
5. pack few clothes that only necessary with the place (klu rase tak ckup n nk pkai balik bj yang dbawa, g dobi je kat sane...the simplest u can do is buying the apparel there!...hehehe)
6. siap2 kan passport...tu paling penting...(klu x, nk kuar dr msuk ngra tu tak ley...., silap2, kene balik msia aritu gak!!!...)

i think that's all kot...take care when u get there ppl....i want to share some infos yang mungkin bguna bile g Phuket...cari travel agent kat sane (if needed)...superb klu nk wat budget travel k...nnti kate tak support travel agent kite lak...bukan cam tu... this was my experience kat Phuket...da check-in kat hotel kat area Patong, kitorg jalan2 kat sekitar2 ctu...actually suke pilih duk kat town sbb banyk pilihan n senang nak dapat ape2 barang n infos...bsepah plak travel agent kat sepanjang jalan....ape lagi, tanye la ape pakej yang okay n d charged price....dsebabkan kitorg ni suke sgt wat perbandingan harga n kualiti, more than 15 agents being questioned and at last 1 agent near to beach had been selected by us...

Kami pilih pkej tuk snorkeling kat 2 tmpat and  island hopping, nek speed boat 12 pax per boat...Price charged was 1000 thai baht per pax and u will go 5 islands...nak lagi murah boley je untuk aktiviti cam Iza wat...just 700 to 800 baht...tapi nek boat besar la....ramai org skit...islands kat sane mmg sgt10x cantik....sediakan kamera yea!!!

these are several pics yg Iza amik kat sane....

our room @ Patong. Phuket

Maya Bay, Krabi

Through the rocks

Point Centre @ Maya Bay

Lil tiny clever cute


One of the shopping centre

We rode dis vehicle

Another part of Phuket, Karon...d scenery is soooooo beautiful...

Nak balik daaaaaa...babai Phuket.......

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Where else to go????

Assalamualaikum all....

Hmmmppp....tajuk bunyi cam banyak duit jerrr....i'm sort of planning g sane g sini tapi many things should b considered... since berdua lagi nie...untuk relax kan diri, Iza rase kite patut hargai diri kita yang sentiasa mencari rzki yang halal dan apa salahnya jika sesekali kita pergi bercuti dan mengambil nafas baru sblm memulakan pkrjaan di hari mendatang...ade org suka shopping untuk appreciate diri sndiri dgn rzki yang diberi but for me Iza lebih suka bercuti....Antara 10 tempat yang ada dalam list Iza :

           1- Mekah (wat umrah then haji)
           2- Perth, Australia (nxt yr kotttt)
           3- South Korea (againnnnnnnn!!!!!, kali ni nak pilih time autumn lak)
           4- UK n Paris (bukan dalam masa tdekat)
           5- Bali (i'll b there on dis dec)
           6- Jakarta Bandung (ni plan nk g se famili)
           7- Hong Kong/Macau/Shenzen (ni pun bukan dlm mase tdekat)
           8- Bangkok (tkt gak nk g, tapi still ade dlm list...hihihi)
           9- Dubai (ley ke pegi nie)
          10- Venice, Italy (ni tpt idaman dr dulu lagi...supposed it is no. 2 place to go tapi $$$ kene byk nih...+ it's a romantic city... :)

           Mekah Al-Mukarramah

Perth City

Autumn in South Korea

Venice, Italy


Dean List????? I'm one of them...

Alhamdulillah, kesyukuran dirafa'kan kepadaMu Ya Allah atas satu lagi pemberian yang sangat sempurna dan anugerah atas usaha juga yang tak kenal erti kalah pada tahun 2011...What a blast 2011!!!Bittersweet in 2011 had taught me how to become more leaned on my own capabilities. YES, i succeed make them real...

As usual, wake up in the morning akan tenang kan diri dulu, jgn menggelabah...trus capai phone, bukk email then tadaaaaaaaaaa...reveal la my result....cgpa : 3.XX gpa 3.XX....weeehuuuuuu....sgt seronok tau! agak2 ade tak lagi majlis Anugerah Pelajar Cemerlang  FBM dibuat lagi for the year of 2012???hmmmpp...tunggu je la...klu dpt jemputan, makne nyer ade la tu...klu tak de, sila amik sijil dekan kat INED yea... =)

Tinggal 3 subjek + 1 project paper...pas tu ley la amik scroll on my graduation day yea....subjek pun tak tough sgt da yang tinggal nie...boley carry sume InsyaAllah...Nak claim ape yea kat Mr. H??? dulu pernah skali Mr. H promised me if i get DL, he will give me 'something'...then, i did that and never promised me anymore...and it's true enough, if i want something, i'll get them how hard they are....

Few days left for me to attend the class start soon, have to prepare myself and change my mood to study mode back...AND I'LL TOUCH THE SKY AS FAR AS I CAN....

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

It's still SPARKLING in my mind...

YES, it is...14th February.....kul 3.00 ptg admitted and around 730, kene masuk OT (Operation Theatre)...huhhhh, mase nak masuk tu, seram nyer, Allah je la yang tau....sejuk satu badan jgn cakap la...tapi tak la smpai menggigil...even tak wat major operation pun tapi fikiran bile da di setkan nak kene masuk OT just for 'scope' pun da rase seriau....hmmmmmpppp....tapi bile doktor bius explained certain infos, Iza mula tenang skit2...and when the time had comes, i'll be in OT....biliknye cantikkkkk sgt even it is a medium-sized room...waaahhhh....that was my 1st impression...tgk kiri kanan pe lagi yang da ready da kat tepi then tgk sekeliling lagiiii.....nmpak la lampu atas kepala yg sgt2 la terang and klu tgk lame2, confirmed mate bpinar2....tgk lagi sekeliling.....ape lagi ehhh ade dlm bilik tuh....yeahhhh...the docs.....not only 1 ppl....there were 4 of them...mula la rase seram tu datang balik....wewwwwwww.....after minutes, full bius da dikasi.....trus 'padam'.......

around 11pm baru la sedar betul2...alhamdulilah, tak de ape2 complication...mase tu dok tpikir...lame nye 'padam' tadi....doktor bius de explained b4 operate...certain ppl akan nausea after sedar...tapi Iza alhamdulillah, tak de pape cume.....nk g weewee tu alahai sakitnye la nk bngunkan diri....siap tolak badan pakai kepala lagi...

I was experienced that moment cause of having an ectopic pregnancy and the docs do not know where the 2-mnth  fetus was....tu la yang kene wat scope at last....after 2-week jadi bahan eksperimen,kene amik darah n bagai, baru la specialist decided kene wat laparoscopy gak....hmmmppppp...experience Iza yang tak ley nak lupe as now....

Well now, redha dgn ketentuan-Nya and berdoa bnyk2 supaya yang hilang tu akan diganti nanti....tu adalah ujian yang mentarbiah diri Iza untuk menjadi lebih sabar n tabah....selalu mengingatkan diri supaya terus mjadi manusia yang bersyukur dengan setiap pemberian-Nya dan berusaha untuk mendapatkan apa yang boley dicapai dengan akal...

Bait2 lagu in-team feat nazrey raihan titled kehidupan nie sll jugak Iza dengar supaya tidak alpa....

"Ujian adalah tarbiyah dari Allah
Apakah kita kan sabar ataupun sebaliknya
Kesenangan yang datang selepas kesusahan
Semuanya adalah nikmat dari tuhan"

A few months later I knew, kesenangan yang Iza terima was being appointed for Youth Malaysian delegation to South Korea after having interviewed and meletakkan diri sebagai 16 yang terbaik dr 400++ applicants for year of 2011.....

Bab kat korea nanti Iza share....For now, that's all...and i'm happy and lucky for being chosen to feel and experience that moment....Wallahu'alam....Assalamualaikum....

Friday, February 10, 2012

Friday Mood.....

Assalamualaikum semua...

Hmmmmpp...biase la bile da sampai ari jumaat...mood makin lame, makin ke arah IT'S WEEKEND guys...Bercakap pasal mood, kebanyakan yang kite biase dengar are boring sunday~~ lazy monday and so forth but  it is actually depends to the bodies themselves where we ourselves create whether it funs on particular day or not....CHEER UP ppl....

Yang penting kite set minda kita yang ari2 adalah ari yang tenang.....tak perlu nak capai  tahap super happy but if it does, it's a bonus to y'all...i did make my life 'tenang' aja.....every time i feel something messed me around, unintentionally, i will remember to a guy who's always saying 'tenang aja'...sort of his quote for his's great to know u fren and i applied that quote to my daily lives...seriously ppl, just make everything hard u try to keep problems in mind, they will distrupt your lives soon...everything has it own ways just only to get the result...

But guys, the most utmost things are when we never forget to thank Allah for giving another time to living in his world, sentiasa sebut nama-NYA, menjadikan kejadian yang anda lihat sama ada di depan mata atau tak sebagai pengajaran setiap hari dan sentiasa belajar dan memaafi serta menghormati sesama khalifah Allah. Tiada apa yang lebih HEBAT melainkan-NYA.
