Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Korea Part 2

Rindunye kat kawan2 delegasi lain....da setahun lebey rupanyer kite dismissed` kan...sobs sobs..Yang masih dipinjamkan nyawa, mari kite terus beramal, sujud pada yang Esa...buat Allahyarham Azrul aka Roy yang sudah kembali kepada-Nya, semoga anda digolongkan di kalangan para muslimin muslimat yang soleh solehah...kami di sini sentiasa menitipkan doa buat kamu yang sudah pergi meninggalkan kami di dunia yang fana ini...for readers, mari la same2 sedekahkan Al-Fatihah buat sahabat kami yang telah kembali ke rahmatullah pada January lepas....hmmmpp...kwn2 sume, keep in touch yerppp...panjang lebar cerite di Part 1 akan disambung sbntar lagi...taip smpai muntah, otak kene gelige ingatkan balik kenangan2 yang terindah ketika di sana....

Pas ni kompem mak nak g time autumn+winter plak...brape lame jah u nak duk sanerrrrrr????g smbung blajo je la kat ke???tah la, I've another country to further my study...**daydreamdulusmpaikebintang**

K, for not wasting time, I'm sharing u my greatest experiences....


Our first study tour at the morning...It is a global service provider that delivers smart technologies and services...nak masuk cni punyer la secure...agknyer, cam rase nk masuk Whitehouse beb....scanner ade stages tau...jangan main2.....actually, it's a quite attractive and interesting place...for sure, if nak g sndiri jgn harap la n masuk tempat2 cam gini...bnyk bende yang dibelajar kat ctu....

That shows that, kami g sane bukan suke2 hati has sequence back in Malaysia...Kami tuntut, blajar kemegahan mencanak2 betapa they have a wide vision....

Kami sume yang tak kenal erti letih bgambar
with the presenter...
Dia sgt cantik....sgt2

Rela berpanas tunggu bus u-turn....
bukan panas pun, blakon je lebey!


Lunch kami di sekitar Seoul, tak ingat lak name kedainyer tipah sebab dia kat jalan2 kecik2...bus pun tak ley, kami pun bjalan2 lagi di tengah hari yang panas tapi angin yang sepoi2 bhs....

Ade mase lagi nih,jom jalan2 kwn....
Sib baik tak sesat....
asyik melompat je koje nyer kamu2 nih...
Pedulik hapa...bukan org kenal pun....
Exercise kate koooooo...


Singgah sahur ehhhhhh singgah petang kat cni dulu...courtesy call n jumpe la pegawai2 yang sama2 berkhidmat untuk negara di sini....tak ramai pun kat cni...yang best nyer, de mkn2 mknan Malaysia u....buat sendiri tau, nak cari  mee ke kuey teow kat sane mane la nk dapat....tempatnye tak la besar mane tapi selesa la, smpai hall yang kami dgr briefing tu muat untuk pelajar2 Malaysia berkumpul n semayang di Hari Raya, yg mane tak balik Malaysia....time kitorg datang nie, mereka bz uruskan pelajar2 baru yang masuk ke kampus di Korea...uruskan itu ini tuk update the newest thing...spy tak de yang tercicir in case something bad happen there....Well, merasa gak g embassy nie...

Kami bersama ambassador n pegawai2
di Kedutaan Malaysia di Korea Selatan


Hmmmp, kat cni lak peah, dekat ngan Blue House, the residential of Korean President...sejarah2 South Korea gak ley la tau2 kat la mini studio tuk tangkap gmbar ngan President n wife but then email it back to ur inbox k....I think if u go to Korea with agent, u akan g gak tmpat nie...and you'll see the beautiful surroundings of this place....sngt tenang n la, dkt ngan gunung...sgt tenteram tuan2 dan puan2 yer... 

Okay, jom posing dulu b4 start our tour
Lets goooooo!!!

The presenter...
layan la kami yang byk songeh nie...
kate blaja kan...
kene la bnyk tanyer...

Kami wakil G20 Summit yer...
kate delegate...harus la blakon lagi...
I represent for Saudi Arabia...
Ya habibi, ya maulana...
Ta'al hiya antum sume...

The cool scenery
Thumbs up....\/

Sila blaja mata wang mrk k...

Kami melompat lebih tinggi..


Dinner kitorg ari tu kat blkg hotel jer....sila jalan kaki lagi....rasenyer, baru 2 ari duk sane, tenaga makin la, asyik berjalan jerrr...tapi best la kan...cuace sgt damai...kali nie, kami diperkenalkan dengan makanan bibimbap...salah satu makanan popular gak selain kimchi...I rase cam ala2 nasi kerabu je mknn ni sebb campur nasi ngan ulam2(sayur2an)....cume nasi nyer sgt kenyal...

Muke bercelaru nak mkn
sodap ke idak ni mknn den ni haaaa...
blsh je la
Ni la bibimbap, mknan diner kami aritu....

Dan di malam hari....kami bersantai sahaja di hotel sbb letih kot....da 2 ari wat study tour....penat tu da terase...owwwhhh, mlm tu sesi export gmbar kuar dari kamera....penoh noksss gambar...sume kaki bgambar...mane tak nyer...uhuksss....

Herpppppp, sgt verangan uolss...nak berehat????we were saying NO for REST!!!....ahaks....for expanding our nites, kami sekumpulan g Myeong-dong la.....saje g jalan2....tgk, hari kedua da mula pnjang kaki bjalan sane sini...kami pilih Myeong-dong sbb tmpat nie tak de dlm tour list kami n kami nak g survey + tinggalkan tapak kat sume tmpat shopping kat Korea....Kate delegates, harus la kami da study siap2 mane tmpat yang syok nak g......

Kami g naik teksi n balik naik subway jer....cabs in the middle of nite will charge u double...they know u're outsiders n since we were staying just a lil outside of Seoul city, in part of it, u'll suffer for the crazy fares after converting it to RM...Naik subway jimat byk sgt....then, U akan jumpe ramai Korean yang sgt fokus dengan keje smpai balik lewat malam....sgt workaholic mrk2 nie....teruja ....andai la sikap mereka ni dpt diterapkan oleh keseluruhan ataupun 90% of Malaysian, InsyaAllah negara akan lebih maju bukan selangkah tapi berlangkah2 ke hadapan....same2 mbangunkan ekonomi ngra...tgk.....delegasi Malaysia telah bsuara....tu pendapat I je yang 'smbil meyelam minum air'....

Hmmmpp, kat cni de la jmpe orng Malaysia yang bercuti2 kat cni, then berborak sikit2, tny stay mane...of course they chose Itaewon, a place yang senang cr mknan halal n Asean foods sgt2 sng dapat kat ctu...Then, ade gak jmpe Indonesian yang bcuti jugak kat sane....soooo, I feel like I'm home...

Kat pun sgt rmai tapi it's a variety place...
For ladies those loved damn much in bags,
you can choose anything u want to...
they are pretty cute bags there 

Sekitar Myeong-dong

K la peeps, I think that's all for part 2, I'll continue with Part 3 later....c ya...

('-') \ /

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Korea Part 1

Okay, entri ni da lame sgt simpan smpai berhabuk rasenyer....fuhhhh...fuhhhhh.....I don't know how long the Korea story will take place...10 days, are 10 parts they will be???Berasap beb tgn nak menaip pengalaman sepanjang kat sane.......I'll try to compress it as short as I can...

Okay,I'll start with memperkenalkan diri2 kami...Kami datangnya dari pelbagai kementerian...tak kenal satu sama lain pun until we met along at JPA tuk amik surat, these are the faces of 15 delegates from 1+++ applicants yang berminat nak pegi Korea...the stages to reach the top is not easy peeps....byk tapisan smpai la ke interview...and we are lucky to be chosen to represent for Malaysia youngster....YOUNGSTER le sgt....soooo, kami adalah MALAYSIA-KOREA YOUTH EXCHANGE PROGRAM 2011....

Gerombolan yang mhantar beta jauh merantau...syg sume ketat2 **
Ni la kami yang excited di kala nak blepas....
sobs sobs...tinggalkan Mr. H sensorang kat umah...
Miss u love, my other half...xoxo..
Cerite2 ni adalah official visit kami ke South Korea which contains of 10-day activities....all supported by Government of Malaysia and South Korea....bwk duit belanje jerrr....penat jah, g sane sini tapi best sgt.....pengalaman yang takkan dilupakan...

Hmmmppp, 16-25 May 2011 perjalanan kami ke sana dengan dpt merasai nikmat Allah yang Maha Agung, dapat la kami melihat keindahan di negara 4 musim....tercapai la hasrat I nak jejak sane time spring....Bermulanya perjalanan kami dengan MH066 pada malam hari...tido atas kapal terbang, tau2 je stewardess tny omelette or nasi lemak...harus la nasi lemak kan mak pilih.....huhhhhh....Hmmmp, da miss my Mr. H da time nie...blum landing lagi tuhhh....

Pilot said it was spring in South Korea and the degree was 11...Hamikkkk kauuu jah, kat Malaysia tak de nye nak rase 11 degrees tuh....Sampai Incheon, Ya Allah, betul ke ni I yang jejak kaki kat bumi Allah, di negara orang lain????~sepakkkmuke100x~ Tu haaa interpreter ngan coordinator da tunggu...tak betul hape nye lagi!!! owwhhhh, tangkap gmbar dulu satu group...bukti smpai sane yerr....hahahaha.....klikkkkk

Selamat smpai di Incheon International Airport
Kami la delegasi dari Malaysia
Perghhh, macam beso beno pangkat ko nak smpai delegasi2....
Smpai kat luar Incheon Airport, da de bus yang tunggu...mase nak simpan luggage nih, ketahanan dan kekuatan sang jejaka la yang diperlukan kan.....kami yang gegirls ni tolak sipi2 je kat diorang....ingat, kami, semangat berpasukan kene la ade noksss....huiihhhh, tak yah cakap la sojukkkkk time nie...peluh pun tak sempat nak kuar even angkat2 beg...malu peluh tu nak kuar sbb cuace nyer sejuk sgtttt.....

Di luar yang sejukkkkkkk lagi nyaman...
Berdendang sayang la kami dengan muke tak mandi pagi lagi...cun kan jah....sembur la perfume bnyk2 yer sbb pas ni da byk aktiviti kene wat landing time in hotel room...Peeps, you know right, orang2 sane sgt menitikberatkan masa...and must PUNCTUAL!!!!

Hari pertama kami di sana :


Tak sempat beb nak mandi2 ke hapeeee....Sib baik kami diberi kelonggaran untuk pakai casual shirt n seluar....Check-in...dapat partner ngan Wid and dapat kunci...simpan beg...trn bwh balik tuk introductory and orientation session....

Orientasi kami....muke gadis2 di kala pagi yang hening...warghhhh


Tuk luncheon pertama hari di bumi Seoul, kami di bawa ke tempat mkn kat belakang hotel jer...sila jalan kaki yerrr...takde hal la nak jalan kaki, biarpun ade matahari tapi angin sejukkkk jerr....macam tadi la..peluh malu nak kuar....shy shy lak dierrrrrr.....

Tgk cam terik je tapi sojukkk nakkk...pkai sweater cepat!!!


Bermula la study tour kami yang pertama di Seoul TOPIS (Transport OPeration and Information Service). Ia adalah tempat centralize yang mengawal laluan trafik...Through TOPIS  nie, masalah trafik dapat diselesaikan...Di Seoul dengan kepadatan manusia masa tu 10mil, heavy traffic flow da jadi common scenario but  they solved the problem by creating this service....CCTV memang merata2...celah mane je yang tak nampak...then, kedai lak tepi2 jalan besar...sape2 yang sesuka hati nak park kat tepi jalan tu, ganggu traffic lane....mmg kene snap la plat number...n sila lah tunggu 'surat cinta' datang....

Now I can see u from here...
haaaaa, wat pe tuh??digging nose ehh..hahahaha


Kami menyesatkan diri ke sini sbb mase nie tuk tgk2 barang...yang ni di  luar jadual kami yer...alang2 da lalu nak g tmpat makan, lalu lak kat Namdaemun...ape lagi..survey2 la...beli nye idakkk...coordinator kate kat Insadong banyk lagi pilihan...tak per...da alang smpai Seoul kan, sume tmpat souvenir akan diterjah....

Ni la muke2 yang pantang nmpak kamera....

See...kami lagikkkk

Lai lai...mai dongxi zhe li....
opppssss, no mandarin pls....deme tak paham sebutir pun ~~

Diner kami di Omu O Tomato, makanan seafood je la yang kami boleh makan....The Korea Youth Exchange Center mmg da diberitahu awal2 yang kami semua Muslim dan boleh makan sekian2 mknan jer....Dinner mereka awal tau...kul 6 da dinner....mmg malam tu terbukti kebuluran kami dengan memakan roti dan megi kat bilik plus milo yang tak lupe untuk dibawa....dasar perut kuat makan!!!

sgt menyelerakan smpai 10 suapan...
yang seterusnya, da muakkkk...
jadi la sahabat syaitonirrojim...
Selesai aktiviti pada hari tersebut.....after that is our leisure time....mase ni tak dpat lagi kwn2 yang ngam betul2 n, kami ni berjalan  la kat belakang2 bangunan hotel konon nak amik angin....mmg masuk hanginnn la kami...sejuk nyer ya amat...tak salah mase ni below 5 deg je kot....mak aiii, da hampir tahap beku nih...mmg balik bilik, aircond tak bukk la...Dalam kul 7, Korean time--da gelap...rupe2 nyer malam2 bnyk kedai arak tepi jalan macam kat dalam drama tu ade....and according to my intrepreter and coordinator, Korea adalah negara No. 1 kadar minum arak secara bebas pade ms tu....

Kami la nie yang hang-out memalam
smpai masuk angin...huhhhh
Takut gak la bile tgk ramai yang terhuyung hayang kiri kanan, tapi mujur ade jejaka2 yang kuar sama dengan kami, guard the girls....dan.....balik la kami ke hotel tuk menutup lembaran pada hari pertama...9 days to go...fuhhhh...ZzZzZzZzZz

**gambar de thousands tapi tak la masuk sume....ckup2 la tu skdr tatap bbrape keping yang de nih....enjoy it...uwekkksss, bnyk giler....

Monday, October 29, 2012


Today is my beloved mum's B-day
short but precise notes for her...

Selamat hari ulangtahun......
Happy Birthday to you mum....
zhu ni shengri kuai le
생일 축하드립니다
(pengyi chuka dilmida)~mcm mane daaaaa nk eja.....~waaaaa

Whatever languages they are to express
your another year to live.....
Yong doakan semoga emak akan 
dipanjangkan umur lagi oleh-Nya...
Mempunyai segala rezeki tidak kira apa pun
yang senantiasa diberkati-Nya
Diberikan kesihatan tubuh badan yang baik serta sempurna
untuk terus beribadah dan sujud kepada-Nya...

Same2 kita berdoa...
semoga impian2 mak akan menjadi kenyataan
di bawah lindungan-Nya yang Maha Esa....


Flower Boy Ramyun Shop....

Okay, now I wanna tell ppl
the K-drama titled 
Flower Boy Ramyun...

Done with this drama
watched it took me several times
I think it's almost 2 weeks for me
to layaannnnnnn this drama...

Eun Bi is preparing to take civil service exam
to become a teacher...
Coincidentally, she meets Cha Chi Soo
a rich and an arrogant son of one
of the biggest food company in Korea...

She also in an agreement between
Eun Bi's Father and Kang Hyuk,
settle down with a marriage
which she doesn't even know...

For giving her heart a chance,
She dated both guys to differentiate
with whom she will stay for a long time...

Why the title is named 'ramyun'...
they all together ended up
work together in the late Eun Bi's father ramyun shop

Romance and comedy elements in this drama
will make you laugh and laugh and laughhhhhhhh....

Now i really miss their ramyun.....
toink toink.....+

**source : google

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Jonker Walk Malacca

Hi there...
I'm back....
I've been wandering around in Malacca
with Mr. H and my sis
years ago...but not even once
I go to Jonker Street until one day
after 'suffering' of ppl exactly my frens
said they've been there to 'cuci mata'
 I asked my Mr. H to take me over there...

Jonker Walk at night
It's sorta China Town....
Happening mostly at night...
and of course PACKED!!!
especially on weekend...

They are selling this sort of stuffs...

But for me, I've no other choice
Kita redah ajer biar pun ramai orang...
Until I got what I'm not thinking at all to carry in my hand...
SHOPAHOLIC, never say never to

Actually guys, the things sold here
quite interesting, some are antique
I chose to go to Jonker Gallery to buy
my orange dress....
there, they have awesome colors
of's a point of interest (POI) place...
should go there!!!!

Other than that, they sell 'gula ketuk'
I wasn't buying it cuz it's a sweet thing
soooo, I have no intention to get some...

I also 'terbeli' 2 bags...
lots of choices there but the POI I went to
has no signage at the door...
sooooo, I don't know
what should I call it
but the shop only sells bags...

The places I went to and.............
the stuffs I bought....only 3...hmmmpppp...

Well, it's time for to rest now....
It's quite tired moving around there....
Water please....oh no.....
I need pillow now....
Bye peeps

Congratulation fren

Kwn, nak wish u
Selamat Pengantin Baru
Semoga kekal hingga ke syurga
بارك الله لكما وبارك عليكما وجمع بينكما في خير

20 Oct 2012
Felda Villa, KL

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday's mumbling

arini I rase cam nak wat bende extra extreme...
ape ehhh???
ingat nak go for seawalker kat Sanur nanti...
tapi bile da listing tempat mane nak pegi...
macam tak sempat jer...

Am I too brave to dive in??
snorkel tengah laut pun terkapai2
mintak tolong Mr. H
tu tara pakai llife jacket
ni klu tak pakai...mau trus tenggelam ke bwh...

antara yang pernah wat Seawalker

Mr. H lak mmg pandai berenang...
orang suh snorkel tgh laut,
suh I berenang,ajak g tepi pantai

nanti, if you'll sempat pergi luang kan masa
tgk keindahan alam
ciptaan Allah SWT
don't forget to try this!!
tapi sila pkai proper swimming suit k...

Salam penghulu hari...

Pakai proper suit k peeps...

 ** both photos are taken from google...thanks goolgle....

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Belajar lagi.....

English class nie last month punye cite
sepatutnya last month punye entry
but due to some circumtances,
tak masukkan pun...
agaknye gambar nak attach tak de lagi kot...
agaknye la....~~

Best la Assoc. Prof nie ajar
daripada tak confident ckp english
trus sedap je 'mengayat' masa dlm kelas nih...
you have been given 2 mins to talk in front of ppl and camera...
Hamikkkkk, merepek la whatever u like.... =P

The members
Mase VIVA 30 mins kan duk depan lecturer merepekkan
projek paper 2 big deal..., belagak....tapi still gak tak tau nak ckp pe
unless about myself....yourself????
sgt BASIC!!!!

Hamikkkk kau, i really feel butterflies flying in my stomach...
Kate nak jadi jadi leader...kene la brani mek!
Well, we now have continuous learning with madam every Thursday...

here we go with hands up and down!
Learning makes perfect!
Take the challenge indeed!!  

**credit to wanzai photography

Thursday, October 11, 2012

I'm so into these....

I'm crazy nowadays....
Am I???
Hahahah..only to "Jejak Jepun bersama Zizan"
and also "Mad Markets"...
Both are airing on Wed...

The main reason..
it MUST be by the adrenaline
of mine...
My Mr. H also always accompanied me
everywhere I wanna go...
Just prepare the MONEY...
it's a MUST!!!

You'll laugh and learn

Tell me peeps, where'd u go 
which doesn't involve money at all....
There's NOwhere....
If u wanna go at least KL city
You've to pay the fuel or toll fares, right....

I was asking my Mr. H to visit Japan...
He said soon....hahahaha
When soon it is, I still don't have any ideas...

For places in 'MM'
I'll go certain places soon
I've listed them in my diary...
Luv to watch 'MM' for having rough idea...
That's the cause yuo've to pay
when you are not
following and hiring any travel agents...

Hanis the host of Mad Markets

Well, not purposely promoting their shows
But true enough if you wanna go some places,
Just watch these two segments...
You'll fall in luv with them...

K, peeps...
Bye then....

** credits to both pictures taken from Google...

Flower Boy Ramyun...still airing in my lappy...

Will share 'bout this drama later
Serious klaka cite nie...
de gak elemen romance...

Sll pikir, camne diorg nie ley
bawak watak damn good...
Sesetengah orang mungkin
akan tgk hero/heroin handsome/lawa ke tak dulu
then baru nak ikut cite...

For me, most dramas yang I tgk
pelakon nyer tak org tu, orang nie...
I will recognize their faces but not their real name!
 And also most of them adalah
cite yang I akan sentiasa bagi 2 thumbs up**

Source : Google
~Jom layannnnnnn~

Thursday, October 4, 2012

~The best thing ever~

I never imagine that
I'd have to hold this scroll again
Haaaaaaa, not yet holding it
Sooner, the time will come...

As what has been scheduled
The session of BM223
will be having on 3rd of December 2012

 Again, I'm about to busy to
think what should I wear
(Note : I'm a quite fussy woman)
Not only the apparel but also
What shoes should I put on...
Guess/Voir/Jimmy Choo
or any other brand
Owhhh, what so day-dreaming**
Wanna wear the expensive ones!

Berwasatiah la ye Iza!!!

**Mc Ya, thanks for borrowing me jubah anda!**