Friday, November 23, 2012

Korea Part 6

It's been awhile again, I'm not blogging with my 'karut marut' ramblings.... Well, lets me continue with my day 6 visitation to Gwacheon, South Korea....As what I've been said in Part 5, day 5 and 6 we'll meet and stay with our foster families....Well, it was went well...thumbs up for this Home-stay Programme organised by Korea Youth Exchange Society...

Pe tak's not u've been put in the rural's a nice place, considered suburban compared to metropolitan Seoul...calm and awesome dude....u'll never find it in Seoul city....That day, in the morning, we've been out from home to lead ourselves to Seoul Land...

Shiny da de kat sane da...
Kindergarten wat outside day-care..
Our sporting 'mummy'

Before, during and after
I'm riding Flying Carpet...

To magic glasses and 4-D movies....
I loved went there but I'm not into thrilling things which I ain't try the roller coaster or anything yang boleh wat I hilang mood....Tapi kene pakse gak naik flying carpet....alih2, turun tu je.....den poning!!!!...
Seriously hilang mood peeps nak wat itu ini...and I da tak dipakse wat bende2 yang I tak suke lagi...yahoooooo....

Julie asked me if I wanted to get wet...
Of kos, I said NO...

So, I rase tak banyk sgt la nak ramble today cuz our a-day time considered kat Seoul Land till we've been brought to have our lunch+dinner at mall...Klu tgk cite2 Korea kite msti sll nmpak diorg makan Ramen, I had a spicy seafood ramen....yummmiesssss...Look, I missed it again....hmmmppp...Ramen ohhh ramen....I wanna taste it again....

Complete 1 family...
Thanks a lot Daddy John for volunteering
yourself to become our loyal photog

Visit 1 temple near to tempat kami kene bkumpul balik...
Nice stream...It's from a hill...confirm sejuk...
Dapat jugak merase pakai another hanbok....

The lovely shiny...
Sepnt time together before she was sent to
study at the weekend

Our big family

Well, done with our day-6 experienced.....I MISS IT A LOT.....

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